Working With Businesses

Team Training

64% of American workers are at least somewhat disengaged at work, and 15% are actively disengaged, according to Gallup. “Managers control around 70% of the variation in team engagement, but only one in three of them strongly agree they’ve had opportunities to learn and grow in the last year. Worse yet, only 30% of managers strongly agree that someone at work encourages their development.” (Source:, How to Win the ‘Great Resignation’)

There are no shortcuts to success for leaders, managers, teams and their organizations. Yet, with the proper tools and resources (e.g., team coaching, mastermind groups, and proven success programs) you can accelerate your, your team’s and even your organization’s success, so that you achieve your goals and realize your dreams in far less time than you are currently experiencing.

These training programs are all designed to generate a positive and inspirational emotional impact and provide practical tools to inspire ongoing change and increased engagement. The tools have helped hundreds of individuals improve their results.

Tara offers a full range of options for half day workshops, full day workshops or bite size lunch and learn type sessions. Popular topics include:

  • Improve Your Work Relationships: 3 Strategies Proven to Ease Difficult Interactions
  • Increase Your Success: 3 Keys to Creating Repeatable Results at Work (and Home)
  • Decrease Your Stress: 5 Tools You Can Implement Today

We can give you an overview of how these programs can impact and make a difference for your group from simple keynote speeches to the very powerful Vision Workshop where Tara delivers a half-day training for your organization, bringing together your management team and top performers.

If you’re interested in training, or if you’d like to learn more, the next step is to schedule a complimentary strategy session, contact us.

Leader Coaching

his is not your traditional form of executive coaching. The one-on-one leadership coaching program is designed to guide you in your growth as a person and a leader as you create well-rounded, sustainable success in life. Leaders like you are people that cause motion. You work through others. You interact with others. People depend on you. Some days, you might be wondering, ”who can I depend on?”

This is for you, if:

  • You are successful and feel that there must be more to life, or
  • You have reached a plateau and want to experience greater results, or
  • You leave part of your soul at home every day, and are ready to bring your full self forward.

If you’re like most of my clients, you’ll be astonished by how much you will achieve in a short period of time. I’ve worked with business leaders from all walks of life, and by tapping into their innate wisdom using spiritual principles, and regularly see them create phenomenal shifts in their thinking and results.

Shifts like these are an overwhelming testament to the awesome power and untapped potential that rests in every human soul – including yours.

If you’re interested in increasing your success, the first step is to schedule a 30 minute complimentary strategy session ($300 value) to help you get clear on what you want, what’s holding you back, and your best next big step.

We have a limited number of appointments available and they often book up quickly, so if you’re interested in coaching and you’d like to schedule a complimentary strategy session, contact us.

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