
Audiences say they feel inspired after hearing me speak. My workshop participants report they feel my passion for their success. My one-on-one clients stay with me year after year, as they continue to manifest greater and greater dreams.

Keynotes, Speaking, Workshops:

“Tara presented with CO+HOOTS and HUUB as part of our virtual Speaker Series in January 2023. She was an excellent speaker to work with. From good communication leading up to the event to delivering an engaging and insightful session, I’m so happy we were able to work together. She was well-organized, prepared, and professional. Her presentation style encouraged audience participation and she connected well with attendees – which is no easy feat in a virtual format! I’m excited to book another presentation with her through our organization.”
~ Chelsea Smith, COO at CO+HOOTS

“Tara Brown is a highly skilled and gifted keynote speaker. We brought her in to speak on our main stage for hundreds of entrepreneurs and she rocked the house. Not only is she articulate and educated as an executive herself, she is also funny, and highly inspirational, all while being down to earth, relatable, and vulnerable. I highly recommend Tara as a speaker and presenter for your group, you will be truly delighted.”
~ Jennifer Joy Jiménez; CIO for Brave Thinking Institute, Speaker, Author, Consultant

“Love the message, very important for our everyday lives.”
~ CK; National Strategy Leader

“Very interactive – makes you think about more than the next deadline.”
~ JM; Senior Associate

“Tara Brown is a rare gem. On one hand, she is one of the best architects in the industry; while on the other hand, as a coach, she has expertise, wisdom and a caring heart that serves her clients beyond their expectations. Tara‘s comprehensive ability to help clients in a holistic and effective manner results in tremendous outcomes. She not only has the wisdom & expertise to help coach; Tara also has the heart to be there for her clients.”
~ Maureen Pisani, Ph. D.

“Tara has a broad command of wide-ranging tools and techniques for transformation. She is a gentle guide to help a person navigate some of the more challenging adventures of living.”
~ Rose Lewis, Minnesota

Individual and Business Coaching:

“It was an untenable time in my career. I was burning out. My health was suffering, my wife was concerned about me, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep this up.

As the breadwinner for my family of 8, I couldn’t just quit. They depended on me. Which only added to the pressure. Tara worked with me to envision an outcome that I’d love, even though the situation seemed hopeless.

As I worked with my Vision and moved in the direction of my dream, circumstances around me started to change in ways that still amaze me. Tara guided me to have conversations by beginning with the end in mind, the end being me working in a job I loved for a great salary.

The result? My wife and I found a new home twice the size of the old one, I was offered a substantial raise, and my kids were able to attend an acclaimed charter school. Best of all, I had more time with my family as I became able to work from home full time.

None of this looked possible at the time, and with Tara’s help and support, my entire family is living a far richer life that we love.

If you are considering working with Tara, don’t hesitate.”

Maurice W., Phoenix, AZ
DreamBuilder and Life Mastery Client

“Tara and I worked together for a year. What a life changing year that was!

My goal was to leave my 17-year corporate job to start my photography business, where I would focus on helping women exist beautifully in photos. I longed to be a full time photographer. And I had no idea how to do it while continuing to be the main financial support for my family.

Working with Tara, I learned how to lead a vision driven life. Within three months I’d taken the leap, rented a photography studio and left my job to launch my full time photography business. (Yes, I am the photographer she credits with her portraits.)

Life was good.

However, something was missing. I had another dream: I was almost 40 years old and I longed to have a baby of my own. It was something I wanted so badly and for 15 years couldn’t make happen. A part of me felt ashamed that I couldn’t do this, like other women all around me could.

I told Tara that recent medical professionals told me I couldn’t get pregnant due to my weight. Tara was undaunted. She believed that since my longing was so strong, there must be a way for it to be fulfilled.

Tara helped me create and live from a vision for a healthy, easy pregnancy, and a happy, healthy baby. I imagined this vision every day, especially in times of doubt.

My son, who at the time of this writing is a thriving boisterous 3 year old and the joy of my life, was indeed an easy pregnancy and a happy baby. My life now is one of a professional photographer who has served hundreds of women in realizing their innate beauty, having generated over $500,000 in revenue, and allows my husband to be a stay at home dad. We are living the life of our dreams.

Don’t wait any longer to live your dreams. Work with Tara and build a life you love.”

Karianne Munstedt, Photographer
One-On-One VIP coaching client

If you’d like to learn more or schedule Tara for your next event, contact us.

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